Serve in a ministry today
We are glad you have made Eminent Church your home and want to do more in God’s house, you can choose to serve in any of our ministries as a volunteer. We are glad to announce the birth of a new ministry called community service ministry. Whether you are the creative type or enjoy meeting new people, draw on your unique gifting and talent and be a blessing to somebody today, there is a unique reward is service God in his house and making more more to develop new skills and sharpen you current abilities. Please see list of ministries below:
If you enjoy praising and worshipping God with a good ear for pitching musical notes, it’s time for you to start serving God in the choir. This group do not just sing, the ensure that the DNA of the church reflect in each service. This ministry is only open to Interested members who have pass an audition and undergo ministry training.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” – Matt. 18:20. The intercession ministry gathers a team of prayer warriors who have a calling to stand in the gap, carry the burdens for souls and the church through prayer. If you have a burden to pray and intercede, join us for our weekly prayer sessions.
We welcome everyone to church with a ready smile and words of encouragement. If you enjoy meeting people and are well-groomed, join our team! We are fun-loving and close-knitted family, with a shared desire to also execute events effectively so that everyone can have the best environment to encounter God and experience His love.
Volunteers from our Community Service ministry help to serve in non-profit organization like retirement homes, youth centres and community service organizations as well as communicate the love of God to the community. Members who are able to avail themselves once quarter for 3 days may join our team.
The DNA of Eminent Church is delivered through excellent practices and so is the team that work in our media ministry. Want to try your hand at assisting in the operations of our weekly services? In visual communications, sound, photography and social media, we showcase God's heart to His people through exceptional, creativity and excellence production!
At Eminent Church, our kids are at the very centre of everything we do. We are a generations church. You do not need years of experience to serve in our children’s ministry! All you need is a willing heart, patience and a desire to see children’s lives transformed by the word of God. This ministry also visit kids at home and work with Generations team.
Jesus said, “ And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel... ” Mk.16:15. If you have a heart for evangelism, we want you to be a part of our outreach team. Be involved in spreading the gospel of Christ, share fliers, praying for and organizing outreaches in Eminent Church. This ministry also organize and execute our oversea mission.
Members of this team create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the church services. They show kindness and care for those in need of physical support, receive worshippers and usher them to their seats. In addition, they ensure orderliness in the service, and distribution of church related materials such as handbills, leaflets, books etc.
What do I need to serve in a ministry?
Write Your Ministry of Choice0
Believe in the Eminent Church Vision0
Some ministries may require special skills0
Be Filled With The Holy Spirit0
Complete Ministry Class Online0