Victor Solomon is the senior pastor of The Eminent Church (TEC), which he co-founded with his wife Lara. Victor surrendered his life to Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit, with the sign of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4). He gave his life to Christ in Winners’ Chapel at the age of 17 was actively involved in its Sunday services as a church staff and served in the youth ministry and also lectured at Covenant University.
Over the years, Victor served in various spiritual leadership positions including Winners Chapel International church planting in Sheffield UK and also his last place of assignment, Winner chapel Ottawa, the church he co-planted and led with other great ministered for 5 years . The entire ethos of Victor’s life can be described in one sentence: loving God wholeheartedly and serving humanity unconditionally.
In a postmodern world where truth has become relative, Victor teaches and champions biblical beliefs and practices. While remaining creative and relevant to contemporary culture through constant progress in areas of worship and evangelism, Victor is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures and the historical doctrines of the faith. Inasmuch as Victor highlights the importance of the gifts of the Spirit, he also constantly teaches on the greater importance of cultivating the fruit of the Spirit, which is the character profile of Jesus (1 Cor 12:7-11; Gal 5:22-23).
Victor gave my life to Christ Aug. 1997 at Winners Chaple Epe, Over the years, Victor has always known of the calling of God upon his life. Upon departure to Canada, He specifically told God that he wanted a city where he would be privileged to plant a church. God granted the prayer and led him to Ottawa. For 5 years, God engraced Victor & Lara to lead their home church, Winners Chapel, and the Children’s department with the crowning honor of hosting God’s servant Bishop David Abioye. The pinnacle of his administration and tenure. Just after the visit, God began to tell Victor that the assignment was completed, and a new work was waiting.
Rather than the next assignment God first spoke to Victor through Matt. 3:3-4 about himself with specific instruction
And men will come from everywhere.
On October 10th, 2024 the word came with absolute clarity from Eze. 17:22 to 24 and the Eminent Church came knocking.
Victor is a spiritual son of Bishop David Abioye, Bishop Thoma Aremu, Pst Isaac Oyedepo, Pst Olu Victor and Pst Oluwaseun.
At 17, Lara heard the gospel and was introduced to Jesus as her Saviour and Lord. Deeply impacted by the love of God, Lara purposed in her heart to live for Christ and the gospel. Raised from a Godly home, as a teenager Lara met by Pst Elizabeth Aremu who invested spiritually in Lara’s life. Today, Lara have become a mum with many spiritual kids as well.
Gifted as a worship leader, administrator, and children church teacher, Lara proceed to Covenant University where she served in the student council and graduated with a first class in accounting.
Together with Victor, they co-founded The Eminent Church. Lara currently serves in Eminent Kids Ministry and lead our connect groups.